

Question : Who is responsible for making a music great……..?
Answer : Very Simple 🙂 its Musicians, Musicologists and most important is audience.

Any Music is great because of the musician’s hard work and the way how they present the music. Musicians generally  have more chances to become famous and world-renowned, as they live most of their life on stage before thousands of audience, But musicologists do not have that privilege. However, Musicologists are equally responsible for making the music better like musicians .

So, apart from musicians, different musicologists may also be introduced on this page time to time to give them their due credit.

This is a page where readers can get acquainted with  great musicians/musicologists of Indian Classical music. There may be some world-renowned maestro/musicologists and some emerging artists/prodigies.

You are requested to please inform about some great musicians & musicologists (with their work) So that most of the readers could get a chance to know about such Personalities & their work.

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